Difference between imessage and text message?

I know that an imessage is only when your talking to someone on their iphone. But is that somehow triggered by Wi-Fi? My friend has an iphone and sometimes it will switch back and forth between an imessage and text message. So does imessage only work in Wi-Fi?

Garmin GPS watch (Forerunner 405CX)?

I just bought a new Garmin GPS running watch. This is my first watch.
I must admit I got sucked into buying it quickly because I got it for a good deal on Amazon.
This watch seems to be a great piece of equipment that will offer me more than what my app on my iPhone does. The only thing that has me questioning the product is that it doesn't have a vibration alert. I wear headphones while running, and I refuse to run without headphones, I love my music.

For those of you that use these watches, how much of an issue do you see this as?
Is it still relativly easy to hear with headphones on, or it is not that big of a deal as long as you glace at the watch every few minutes?

I'm wondering if it's worth returning the watch and spending the extra $100 on the 610.

How to create an iphone app on windows?

I own a pc with windows 7 on it.buying a mac is not an option.
so straight to the business.
I want to create an app which will very help me and a probably others in my situation!
i have experience with programming languages so learning objective c is not the issue.
so is there an software which I can create with it the app that is also compatible with WIN7?
if not Virtual Server is an option i can install the lions OSX on a VS and using the Xcode IDE, right?
assuming yes can any one refer me to some awesome guide or something?

any way the big question is how do I developing my app in WIN7?

IMessage or AirPlay not working?

So apparently with mountain lion you"re supposed to be able to continue a text across all your devices, but none of my text conversations show up on my iMac or iPad.iMessage is activated on all my devices. Also your supposed to be able mirror your display across devices but neither my iPad or iPhone shows up in display preferences in mountain lion or iPad or iPhone.

Can I get siri on the iPhone 4?

I originally wanted the 4s version because it has siri, but I've heared that it has terrible battery life and I'm always on my phone. I really want siri so can I get siri on the iPhone 4 if so, how? Do I have to pay extra money?

Where do they sell mustache cases for iphone 3?

For my first phone my mom is giving me her old iphone 3 mehh but i want a new case and I LOVE MUSTACHES! So is there any website that sells mustache cases for iphone 3? But is 25$ or less?

Can I use my iPhone 3GS as an iPod? No SIM card?

I bought an iPhone 3GS which is locked to bell. There's no SIM in the phone either. I downloaded iTunes and Quicktime. I also put all my music into iTunes. But everytime I plug in my iPhone, it syncs contacts, calendar etc but no music. Would my music sync in my iPhone if I unlocked it? What can you do with an unlocked iPhone with no SIM?