My iphone 3g won't come on? - 1
I held the home button & power button down until it turned of but when i restart it all i see is the apple icon it doesn't go to home screen. I've charged but it still won't come on, Help please thank you
I held the home button & power button down until it turned of but when i restart it all i see is the apple icon it doesn't go to home screen. I've charged but it still won't come on, Help please thank you
Phone was on contract but contract was cancelled. Would like to convert to prepaid if possible?
Ok so my problem is i have the I tunes 10 version (i think i may have the 11 version) and i checked online about the get info part but it won't let me! Please help me oh and the ringtone is this i downloaded it from flvto and i don't know what to do please help me!
It freezes every time I unlock it and when I try to listen or download music. I have tryed resting it and doing a hard rest set but it still does the same thing over and over again
I have the iPhone 4s and I want to sell it. There's a company called Gazelle that pays good money for iPhones. I'm on a 2 year contract with AT&T and it doesn't end until October 2013.In order to sell my phone do I have to drop the contract or is there something I can do without having to pay the termination fee with AT&T?
I know, I know, total noob question, bear with me. I have Wi-Fi and internet right now but my dad pays for it and he wants to get rid of cable and Internet because of the expense. I rarely use the computer, but I use the Wi-Fi on my (disconnected) iPhone All The time. So if he gets rid of Internet, does that mean I won't have Wi-Fi anymore? Is there a way to have Wi-Fi without Internet or am I just screwed?
How do i configure the settings for both of these apps? Where are they located?
and how do i enable them to have the number at the corner of the app icon? For my whatsapp, when someone messages me there's a 1 in the corner of the icon, but nothing appears for Facebook or twitter.
how do i make this happen?
Everytime I try to send a video from my iPhone to YouTube it says it's too large and I have to cute it down to like 2 minutes but I see people posting 10 minute long videos from their iPhone, how does this work? Do I need a special program?
I jailbroke my iphone and had a bit of a hard time, but I ended up getting it done.
After Jailbreak was done it got stuck on the apple logo so I used Redsn0w to turn it back on. Ever since then everytime it dies/turns off, or reboots, it won't turn on by itself. I have to plug it in to the computer, pull up redsn0w and "Just boot"… How can I fix it so it'll turn on normally again?!
My twitter app is not loading and keeps saying there's an error. I know this isn't twitter's problem because all of my friends' twitters are working fine. I want to uninstall and reinstall it but by doing so, what will it all erase?