Can you truly bypass and icloud lock iPhone?
Can you truly bypass and icloud lock iPhone?
Can you truly bypass and icloud lock iPhone?
Cuz i'm going back to college in August and i know alot of people this generation always take out their celphones and staet looking at it and typing stuff, but I want to make a few friends and if there's a girl I like even if she already has a boyfriend I still would like to have some sort of relationship and starting w conversations how do I get them to put down their celphones without tellin them to do so, and consitently spend more time talking w me than them always looking at their iphone or samsung.
I fell down a lot of concrete stairs (haha and everyone laughed) but when I got up I could tell something was wrong with my ankle. I was limping and it hurt to walk. When I sat down the pain was mild but I can barely walk. My ankle swelled up a lot and it's popped a few times.
I'll be replacing my laptop soon, and while i have taken it with me when traveling on vacations and such, i don't really go on vacation or breaks to where i need it. Plus, a lot of the videos and entertainment i do on my iphone anyway.
i don't do heavy gaming on pc, as i have a console for that.
but i wouldn't mind a desktop for some light gaming like sims 4, roller coaster tycoon, maybe gta v for modding fun.
i would probably get a 15'' laptop, and have a multiple monitor set up. Get a connecting dock and just store the laptop when at home. I would like a laptop with a 1TB if not 2TB option. And would get an ext storage space. Or a desktop with at least 2 TBs, as i have a lot of media.
ideally, i'd like to keep my budget around $1000 for everything. I already have a second monitor for my current laptop, so i would like another one. My current is 24" AOC.
i know desktops are nice for easier upgrading for graphics, storage, or even processors, but i don't know how often i would do any of that if it's not my primary gaming device.
this is more of a rant, but just wanted to get other input too.
My iphone x is acting up bad. I try to hard reset and everything but when it turns on it wouldn t let me swipe up please help?
I fell down a lot of concrete stairs (haha and everyone laughed) but when I got up I could tell something was wrong with my ankle. I was limping and it hurt to walk. When I sat down the pain was mild but I can barely walk. My ankle swelled up a lot and it's popped a few times.
I want to upgrade my iPhone at an apple store and I need an id to do it will my work photo id work?
Last night my iPhone 7 Plus stopped working i was on the phone then I saw my phone glitching then afterwards it went to a black screen I tried putting it in rice did not work I was pushing the buttons hard but still nothing I messaged my brother to see if he could help there was nothing he could do but he got a call from his friend saying he had this unlocked google pixel phone he did not need and he asked his friend if he could buy it off him his friend was fine with it but all I want to know is will my SIM card work in that google pixel android phone or no because at this point I don't have a phone until I can get it fixed and at this point I really need a phone I looked up online and some people said it should be fine but I do not know at this point but all I want to know is will the SIM card from my iPhone 7 Plus fit in the google pixel android phone.
It isn't doing it at the moment but sometimes I'll be typing and it will hit the space button by itself and won't stop until I lock and unlock my phone
How do I fix this?
My iPhone 5s doesn't have a SIM card for it anymore and it won't let me access the Internet. Would I be able to take it to a Verizon store to get them to put a SIM card in just to set it up?