Why is it taking forever to sign into iTunes and App Store?

My dad just bought an iPhone XR and is setting it up. He tried to add his apple id in settings, but it's not working. He entered his email and password but it just says "signing into itunes and app store" while loading. It's been loading for about ten minutes now, nothing is happening except for the little circle loading thing.

How to deal with your mom if she's too negative?

My mom is generally fun and nice but once I contradict her opinion or criticise her in anything she should snap at me and go crazy she could even throw things she ruined 2 iPhones and an IPad because of her aggressive reactions. She also keeps telling me that I'll have bad fortune and I'm a bad daughter whenever I advise her to change anything about herself especially her supiritious nature she believes in magic and black magic and she always makes Weird3 rituals saying that she's getting black magic and envy eyes out of the house, but it drives me crazy because sometimes she makes these things at my home and she keeps telling me I'll have bad luck and I'd never be happy when I ask not to do things like this at my home!

Why do my deleted iphone pictures keep coming back?

Why do my deleted iphone pictures keep coming back?

Added (1). I disabled my icloud photos for storage and was wondering if after they're deleted off icloud, my photos will be gone forever/ be able to delete my photos. I don't need any of my photos but don't want to hard reset it.

Issue with my iPod - password isn't working with voiceover?

I had my iPod stuck in headphone mode so I used a video which said to turn voiceover on and off. It didn't work so I hard-resetted it but since you have to unlock your phone again after using it, I did just that, but my password is not working with voiceover (entered it multiple times now, still not working). I tried to use Siri to turn it off however my iPod wasn't connecting to Wi-Fi and I couldn't swipe up to my control center because the control center needs a passcode when you restart it. I tried using iTunes, but you need to unlock my iPod to connect it (it says to "Unlock iPod to use 'accessories' "). Can anyone help me?

Why are some people so obsessed with having the newest technology?

I don't understand, I know people who buy a new laptop, iPad, and iPhone every year when a new one comes out. I have had the same phone for 5 years now and it works just fine, I'm not too big on technology. I have had the same laptop for 7 years which is what I'm using right now to type this, and I don't even have an iPad. I don't see the point in obsessing over technology and wasting money on it, I won't buy a new phone until my current one stops working. People also obsess over little details of cellphones like the processor, screen resolution, why is that so important to some people? I know a guy who still lives with his parents at 31 and he spends all of his money on tech, he saves up his money and just buys new iphones and stuff. Why are some people like this? What's so good about having the newest stuff? I can care less about new tech, it's not like I stare at a screen all day like some people.