What's the best poker game on iPhone?

I quit facebooks zynga because they banned me for hacking witch I did not but now I need a new 1 I want a online one I can do for iPod and is fair I tryed full tilt and it's not on iPod yet I love it on my comp and subjestons please comment
Ps I like having big turnoments like 100 not need though

How to make him want to spend time with me?

Every weekend I look forward to seeing my boyfriend but we never go out? He's always tired, works 5days a week and sometimes a saturday, I will see him once a week and once on the weekend if he's not working and we live 15minutes away from eachother by car, he has gotten obsessed with his addiction to watching cars on YouTube or playing games on his iPhone, I wish they never existed! I can't say anything to him without him saying I moan but if us girls were to do it then its world war 3! I can't seem to get him change his mind but if he loves me like he says and that he can't see him being with anyone else then whys he being like this?

He has also started smoking weed alot too but 11months ago when we got together he use to love a good drink! We never go pub anymore, I think the smoking weed is making him lazy. :/ we're also planning to go on holiday and hoping things will change then. Any ideas or advice please.

How to make money faster on sims freeplay for iphone 4s?

So I'm level 10 on sims freeplay and I only have like 400 dollars. Is there any way to make money faster/ more efficently? I have all my sims employed at a firestation (I have four sims), and I plant corn every half hour that I can. But I need to make a good couple thousand dollars to a) make some more sims with semi-decent houses and b) to complete goals. I have the update so the simleon store cheat won't work, and I've tried the cheat where you turn the Wi-Fi off and change the date while you're farming. It hasn't worked:/.So please give me any suggestions about how to make money faster and in more amounts.

How to edit video frames on ipod/iphone?

I want to break up my frames into very little frames to get pictures (like a flip book (kinda) so you don't miss a sec ) well I recorded in landscape (sideways) & and my frames don't get as short when I drag down the little grey line compared to recording in upright mode. Is there a way I can make them shorter. Or an app (preferably free because I have no money. But I 'd still like to hear about it if it's not free.)
Please &thanks for the help it means a lot!

I have an ipod touch fourth generation

IPhone 4 silent button wiggles. Is this a problem?

I've had my phone for 3 weeks now and I've noticed that the silent button wiggles a bit when I touch it and feels sorta loose in it's on/off position. It's also gone on silent before without me purposely making it that way. Is this normal for the iPhone 4? Or is this a problem? I have a warranty or anything on it.