So my problem started a few days ago when my itunes completely broke and I couldn't get onto it at all. I had to uninstall it and that was very difficult because the file was corrupt or something and I couldnt uninstall it so i had to download some software which forced uninstalled it and I had to uninstall all programmes such as quick time etc and then reinstall itunes. Since I have reinstallled itunes, my iphone has not been recognised and it is impossible for me to sync. I have never had this probelm before, my phone is about 3 years old and it has always been recognised by itunes but since i reinstalled itunes, the problems have began. I checked on itunes support and they gave me lots of tips but none of them worked eg the mobile device support had to be checked and restarted I did all this, I also tried to change the software problems but none of this helped. Can someone please please help?