Best mid range android phone?

Looking for a new phone… Done with iPhones and how expensive they are I was to try an android… I heard the mid range are just as good as the more expensive ones

Ideas, ps live in the uk

IPhone XS Max alert tone stuck on default won't let me change it?

For some reason my alert tone won't change back to one I was using one week ago I had one of the fun tone then when I was at work I heard a ding I thought it was someone else but then heard it louder.

Took out my fone and it was mine I tried to fix it return it to my default alert tone but still got it

Can you help me fix this problem ty

My new iPhone has a scratch what should I do?

2 weeks ago I got an iPhone XR from the apple store, today I noticed that it has a scratch on the screen, would apple replace my phone if it has a scratch on the screen? It's a little tiny scratch. I don't want to drive to the apple store again, the nearest one is 4 hours away. Would it even be worth it