My iPhone 5c is acting weird what should I do about it?

Latley my phone has been acting weird, it doesn't let me type when I try to type it just types other words instead and doesn't stop I have to turn off my phone for it to stop. Also when I'm on a website or app it just exits out it also starts scrolling uncontrollable by its self and sometimes it doesn't let me unlock my phone. What should I do or what can it be?

How to acces the deep web on iphone 5s?

No hatred please
Basically I downloaded onion browser on App Store an every time i type in a link to the dark web it says "your minimum SSL/TLS setting might want stronger security " (KCFErrordomainCFnetworkerror120)
I'm on ios 8
How do i get onto the deep web etc links how do i make security stronger. Nit biying anything just curious please hav good answers

Should I bring these things when running away from home?

I'm a 17-year-old Japanese girl and living with my parents in Japan. They're far from bad parents. But they are strict Christians. I'm forced to attend church. I can't wear shorts, can't listen to secular music, can't date (even if I already finished high school), etc.

I do have Christian beliefs. But it's too much sometimes. I've tried to talk about it to my parents. But they say that I'll be free from their rules when I turn 20 (because that's the legal age in Japan).

I want to run away to Tokyo (I live in another rural prefecture). I already have a friend who's willing to take care of me until I'm financially stable enough to be 100% independent. I also have an agency based in Tokyo willing to hire me after I turn 18 (it's an escort agency).

But. I'm not sure if I should bring my passport and my iPhone. I'll need the passport to prove my identity if ever asked. And I need my phone just in case. I don't want to be tracked down by cops or my parents.

Is it worth buying an iPhone 4s this 2015?

So I'm planning to buy a new, cheap phone because my iPhone 5c is broken. The screen is detached from the whole phone so i find it really hard to use it. I just wanna know if it's still worth buying an IPhone 4s. Btw i'm just gonna use it for photography, and communication purposes.
Anyways, feel free to suggest or what you think.