My iPhone 5c keeps glitching?

I got my iPhone at the end of of December 2013, and it worked great. But recently(as in the past few months), it keeps glitching whenever I look at YouTube videos or videos in general. I'll be watching a video and all of a sudden, the video part of what I'm watching will go back a couple of seconds (around 5ish) while the audio portion will keep on going like nothing happened. At first I thought it was just the connection at my house, but I've been to other places and it still does the same thing. I have also repeatedly refreshed the page I was on, and it rarely works (more like a 1/20 chance it'll work)This ends up being extremely frustrating because everything is off and I can't watch a video properly. What should I do? Can I fix this without going into an Apple Store to get it fixed? I already spent so much to get the phone itself and I really would like to avoid spending money.

Left my iphone charging overnight (fell asleep)?

Ok so i got a brand new iphone 6 yesterday, and i was downloading apps and **** and i plugged it in, i was going to unplug it before i fell asleep (it was left for like 4 hours). Will that affect my battery? I'm panicking

How to locate my lost/stolen iPhone?

So my iPhone 5s recently got lost/stolen & it had full battery before I lost/got stolen & I've tried calling it but the phone is off? How?! I've tried using "Find my iPhone" but my phone is offline… How can I tract my phone when it's off?

Do ebay iphone chargers work?

If I buy a packet of iPhone chargers will they work? Like the ones that have a packet of say 10 for around 10 bucks. I know they're not Apple chargers but will they charge since I know Apple has a specific chip or something that allows chargers to work on the lightning chargers. If you can please comment the links of any chargers that work for cheap.

Does he hate me? Or is he flirting?

There's this guy at my school who is annoying and conceited and just flat out rude sometimes. But he gives me weird mixed signals
-He sends me the iPhone restart code all the time, which is so annoying
-He does really stupid things, sometimes, around me, like one time he long jumped over a hurdle into the sand pit (we're both in track)
-He won't give me his snapchat or to text me, but he accepted my follow request and followed me back on instagram
-At our last track meet, he chased me around with a gross banana and finally threw it at me. He had set up a very elaborate prank in which he taped the banana to the top of a doorway so he could pull the string and it would come down on my head. I didn't fall for it though, so he just chased me.
-He says "daddy" to me in a really sexual voice (which sounds weird; one time I said that daddy kinks grossed me out and now he won't stop doing that whenever I'm around)
-on Valentine's Day, he told my friend I was his valentine, but he hasn't been like that since
-he gets really close to me when we're sitting near each other but he never purposely touches me i think
-he is mainly "flirty" whenever i start getting romantically close to his friend
-he makes funny impressions of the godfather and chewbacca and the joker at me all the time
UGH! Does he hate me, or is he just really immature and actually likes me? I mean, he's a pretty immature guy, but… I have no clue. He's going away next year, and I want to know what i should do.

IPhone 6 gold or silver for female?

No Apple haters please
Please don't say it's just a phone so get whatever you want plus I will get a clear case so the colour will matter