Dropped iPhone in Water 6 hours ago?

About 6 hours ago in school, I put my phone on the toilet paper holder in the bathroom while I hung my backpack on the hook. I stepped back and my phone fell into the toilet bowl. Panicking I quickly took it out and dried it off with a jacket inside my bag. I also took a disinfectant wipe to clean it up. After that, the phone was fine and looked fine. But 3 hours later, my phone got black spots on the screen and the back camera stopped working. As soon as I got home about 3 hours later I put it in rice. Does anyone know if the rice will still be effective at this point?! I'm freaking out since it's a new phone.

Problems with iPhone home button?

So at the weekend I got my phone screen fixed (phone cracked and I managed to get it fixed the same day), but now I'm having problems with my home button, just imagine it's due to something being knocked when they were repairing the phone due to it being absolutely fine beforehand. But anyway, I looked at it and thought it looked a bit wonky, so I looked and pressed it (lose) and to my surprise it rotated with my fingers, it also seems to not be as responsive when I press it.

Is there a reason for this? And is there a way I can fix it relatively cheaply?

How to access the dark web on iphone 5s?

I know you have to use tor so can anyone give me A link to download tor on iphone as it is not in the App Store.
Can someone put it in simple steps how to acces the dark web on iphone
Not going to buy anything simply curiously
Ty to the informative

What iPhone case should I use?

I asked this once before but the responses weren't what I wanted. I have a white iPhone 5s, should I use a clear plastic case which slightly raises above the screen, or a black metal case which doesn't cover the screen? Which one and why.

Left SIM in my older Iphone?

I gave my 'friend' my iPhone 5c but I'd left the SIM in that phone.
I resetted it before giving it to him but I'm paranoid he's getting my text messages since I'm using the same number. I've been using iMessenger over Wi-Fi I thought that as long as it was over Wi-Fi conversations wouldn't be sent back and forth through text since it may be like the facebook messenger and as long as I don't text on 3g it wouldn't turn up on my old phone.

Am I screwed? We really arn't friends and I've had private convos with my social worker, doctors etc through this phone.

What should u ask for for my bday?

In a couple of months my bday is coming up months, and the things I'm between asking for are Xbox game(s), iphone or shoes what should I ask for?!