Does money equal success?

Interested in your answers. Does money equal success or is how you get it or how you live your life what makes success? There's a lot of bad people in the world who get money by doing very bad things. Those people have money, are they successful? Another example is Nestle, in the 80's millions of babies died because Nestle misinformed mother's about breastfeeding in order to make money. As a result millions of babies died and one of nestles executive jumped to his death out of a 16th storie window. Look at Steve Jobs, he brought us the iPhone and the iPad but he made his money off the backs of child labor. What truly makes success?

My mom is always angry and acts like me and my siblings are the worst thing to ever happen to her. What's her deal?

Happen to her?
I'm 26, my brother is 22, and I have an even younger one who is 18. My 22 year brother recently bought a house and had been having his girlfriend spend the night a lot and my mom doesn't approve of it because she sees it as shacking up and she's a Christian. I have depression and anxiety issues and my mom sees me as a mental nut case, my 18 year brother bought the newest iPhone and my mom went off on him saying how he had no business buying a new phone when he doesn't even have a car. The difference between me and my brother is that my brother won't tolerate her going off on her, he was like " do you work my hours, is it your money. It's my money and none of your business. I work doubles all the time and I needed a phone my old one broke". I don't bother arguing with her cquse I don't need the extra stress, I already got enough health problems. The other day my mom was telling My 22 year old brother that she did not raise us to be this way. She was like " you shacking up, your brother buying a thousand dollar phone, and your sister is crazy". My 22 year old brother was like " I'm not even shacking up but I'll talk to you later mom" and he drove back to his house

IPhone 8+ blurred camera?

Today i did drop my phone and i recently noticed on Snapchat when i take videos on my front camera it comes out blurred and a bit pixilated, but when i take videos on my regular camera app it's totally normal… What can it be?

I even logged out of the app for a few minutes to see if it was just the app having a glitch but then when i logged back in it did the same thing. Also when i take pictures it comes out totally normal, it's just with videos

Iphone XR. Tired of entering password

So on the Iphone 8 Plus there was fingerprint ID that you could use for the apple store, bank apps and the like instead of having to imput your password each time. Of course on the X phones the fingerprint ID is gone. Did something take its place? Is there a setting I can change to not have to enter my password. Assuming it is something simple and I'm just being tech stupid.

Thanks for any help!

Added (1). Let me clarify… I found in the settings under Passwords and Accounts for the autofill… But I only see how to add passwords for websites. I'm trying to figure out for actual apps not addresses in Safari as well as for the App Store.

IPhone 8 photos not showing up on laptop when connected via USB?

I used to upload photos from my iphone 8 on my laptop with windows 10. I plugged it in via usb cable, then open the iphone, open the folders, and all my photos were there.

Now all of a sudden when I do that and open the folders, there's like 3 photos. Why is this happening? To the best of my knowledge I did not change any settings.