Focus won't work on iPhone 4s?

Recently the back camera on my iPhone 4s won't focus at all when i get to close to an object like it used to when i first got it. It just turns into a blur when i put it to close to the object. But if i back it up a few inches it works just fine. How can i fix this?

Restored computer, lost iTunes info

So… I had both of my iPhones setup with my desktop and iTunes. Well, I restored it to factory settings and now when I try to put music on iPhone from the new iTunes, the "Manually manage music and videos" button is unchecked and in order for me to check it and apply it, I have to restore it. Is there anyway that I can get the information back so that I can use my iPhones and put music back on them and won't have to restore both of my iPhones and go thru this whole process again?

I don't understand the iPhone 5?

The question at hand is a bit off. I don't understand iPhones. My friends who don't have iPhones and are trying to convince me not to get one (just because they want us to have the same phones) and they said one main reason: you can't get music playlists and put music on them for free, but on their phones you can and it's perfectly legal. I don't get it! Why can't you! It's ridiculous. I don't understand what you do then if you want music. You pay for it, right? Does it cost a lot? Because I LOVE music but I'm not breaking the bank for SONGS. I really do want the iPhone 5, though.

I can't buy anything on app store

I just got an iphone 4s and apparently the first time you buy something on the app store, you need to answer your security questions. The problem is i forgot them. So how do i get past them or reset them?

Added (1). And i don't want a new account because i have $30.00 in my account

Replace iPhone 5 with broken screen?

I cracked the screen on my iPhone 5 and so now I'm back on the market for a phone. I'm thinking about getting a 4S in white. Maybe I should wait for the new Blackberry 10 devices though. Also is there anywhere I could get the screen replacement cheaper than Apple? Their price is $225 and I only paid $212 for the thing.

Is there anyway to get deleted iPhone photos?

I just got an iPhone 5 and my parents wanna give my iPhone 4S to some random man that I've never met and I really don't want him missing with any of my stuff especially the photos so I restarted the phone and erased everything! But I'm still wandering if there's anyway that the pics can be brought back? And if so how can I delete it forever?

How to fix iphone stuck on homescreen?

I jailbroke my iphone 3g and tried downloading something, afterwards, it told me to reload springboard. After it turned back on again, it is stuck on the home lock screen and keeps reloading that screen but won't let me open it? I've tried pressing the home and power button at the same time to force shutdown but when i switch it on again it's still the same.i've tried syncing it to itunes but it still didn't work. Please help!

Added (1). I have tried holding down the on/off button and home button already, but when i switch it back on, the same thing still happens, any other suggestions?

My iPhone 4s's Facetime won't turn on

I have a data plan with cincinnati bell. My caller ID won't stay on either, everytime i turn it on, and hit the back button, i check to see if it's on and it automatically turns off. My iMessage & FaceTime also won't activate! I'm so mad, what do i do!