How come my iphone 5 dictation/mic is randomly greyed out in Facebook?

It's working in text. But it's greyed out in Facebook and I can't use it to dictate comments, etc. This happens occasionally, but with no consistency.It'll just be unavailable for… I don't know, like a day.Am I turning it on and off without realizing it? This is a huge problem for me! I'm kind of lazy, I'd like it on all the time.

Sorry for the lack of detail. I manually typed this.

I can't import music into iTunes 11?

Last night, I ripped a few CDs into iTunes. It worked just fine. I was able to view the albums in the library, edit their information, and import them to my iPhone.

Now, today, I'm attempting the same ritual, but the albums I copy into my computer are nowhere to be found in the iTunes library. I searched the directory on my computer, and they reside in the iTunes music folder, but still do not show up on iTunes.

I can play the music and everything, but even when I attempt to import the folder manually, it doesn't work. Any help?

Brand new iPhone 4s losing charge RAPIDLY?

So I got it for christmas and it loses charge ridiculously fast.
when I got it I didn't charge it first because it said just to sync it then use it
so I used it till it died, then fully charged
but then after that I sometimes plugged it into laptop and used at the same time.
I charge it overnight
it is 100% at 7am
yet by 3/4pm it is at 10%
I'm at school, so I barely use it! Probably used it for 2 hours altogether, just listening to some music on a 10 minute bus journey and tweeted about 3 times and send a couple of texts.
brightness is at lowest
all apps on swipe bar are crossed off
I put on flight mode when I'm in class.

Facebook notifications on iPhone? - 1

On my Facebook application on my iPhone I always have a red number 3 or 4 on the corner of it, expecting to have that amount of notifications when i go on but it turns out I only have 1 each time, why is this! It's annoying

Why do people with iphones also have ipods?

A lot of people I know have iphones. But they also have ipod touches. Why? If you have an iphone (which is the exact same thing as an ipod touch plus calling capability) where is the need for an ipod touch? Just doesn't make sense to me.

IPhone shows apple logo then quickly goes back to normal?

My iPhone will randomly kind of reboot in a weird way and show the starting apple logo real quick then go back to the lock screen.
I drop it a lot but I've never got it wet except for spilling soy sauce on it and that was like 4 months ago

What do you do when your partner has trust issues with you?

Scenario goes:
Me and my partner have been together for almost two years.

About 2 months into the relationship, I got uncontrollably intoxicated at a friends birthday & kissed another guy.

Me and my partner had a huge fight around a year ago about the kiss and other issues surrounding the relationship.

We separated for about two months then got together. Now it's great but one problem.

I was discussing boys to a friend and what my partner does or doesn't like. And one thing is starting to get to me.

My partner asked me to download this application for iPhones called Find Friends.
It's a application that pin points your location so friends can follow you where ever you may be. But my friend seems to think he has major trust issues. If I leave my house the application lets him know that I have left my house or work or where ever I may be.

Just looking for a outsiders opinion!