Lost iphone back-up password?

Basicallu i had to replace my iphone today so apple took my broken one, so i want to back it up from my previous data and so whaats happened is that it needs a password and i've typed in all known passwords and none of them are correct how do i get the password back? Orr is there a way to get it back?

How to change the APN on an iphone 3gs?

I have an unlocked iphone 3gs from AT&T that I'm now using on Straight Talk. The only problem is now I can't send or receive MMS messages due to the fact that the APN is still registered as AT&T and not Straight Talk. Is there anyway to be able to change my APN?

How to save all the music on my iphone so i won't lose it?

Ok, i just got an iphone for christmas, and i'm currently using my moms laptop to download all my music so all of my music is on her laptop and whenever i want to download music to my phone, i have to use her laptop. But recently, my moms a**hole of a boyfriend, told me that hes going to be getting a new router that will block it so i won't be able to download illegal music so basically i will need a new source(laptop) for downloading my music, and that means i will lose all my music on her laptop and my phone. Is there anyway i can back my phone up and put all this music on a different laptop so that i won't lose it all? I have over 150 songs already and plan on getting more.

My iPhone 5 says it's not connected to the internet, but it is?

It won't let me check weather, go on Safari, and Siri won't respond at all. Everytime I load one of those, it always says the same message. I got it almost a month ago, and I would hate to take it to the Apple/Verizon store to get it checked out. I already turned it off and back on for a few minutes, still didn't work. But the thing is, it IS connected to the internet! Help, please?

Added (1). @zuma, I tried that, still doesn't work.

Added (2). @zuma, I tried that, still doesn't work.

My iphone went through the wash

Y mom decided to wash my sheets, and guess what? My phone was in there! About 15 minutes later i came out of my shower and noticed the sheets were gone. I asked my mom. "wheres my phone… " and she was like "OH… " then she got it out. I tried to turn it on nothing worked. And i heat it up a bit too and tried to charge it. I'm so worried! Will it work? I actually took my battery out and put it in rice and silica gel packets.
This was yesterday.today i was so worried that my iphone was dead that i reattached the battery and put it on the charger. There was no logo no nothing.except after a few seconds a shocking vibrate. Is this a good sign?

How does blockheads multiplayer work?

Blockheads is a game for iphone and ipad, and is Pretty popular on the app store.
It is claimed to be a multiplayer game, and if you want to, you can play with someone else.

When I put on 2 player mode(auto match) I just spawn in the portal alone. No one else is there. Is that how it is supposed to be, or is there something wrong?

Can someone explain how it works?

Alcohol wipe to clean my iPhone?

I have a screen protector on my iPhone 5 and it gets dirty easily. I was wondering if I could use an alcohol wipe (like the ones that restaurants give you) to clean my screen without it hurting it.

Stuck on/off button on iPhone 4s?

Well I'm usually pretty good about not dropping my phone, but the other day I happened to drop it while running to my car. The on/off button was stuck when I picked it up. There are no dents or anything jamming it in… But it doesn't not work when I press on it. Is there a way I can try and fix this before I go to apple and getting a replacement? I do have insurance.