Why won't my iphone case work?

So I just got this incipio iPhone 4S charger case at first I was working but when It died I tried to charge it I left it on the charger for like 2 hours and it still didn't turn on now I don't know what to do please help

My internet disconnects at random?

I have a modem hooked up to a powerline adapter which goes to the router then my laptop. At random at anytime the internet will just stop then its back on. I'm still connected to my router, when it does it. I thought at first it was my wireless adapter, or I replaced that but still problems. So I replaced the router, but still problems. So I bought a new powerline adapter, and i've hooked up modem directly to the router, but still problems. Oh and this happens on any device even my iphone.Um it seems like it stops working more quickly when I have multiple applications running on my computer.

Iphone4 how to uninstall a app?

I have the iphone 4 i was wondering is there a way to uninstall apps you don't like i don't know how on this phone it didn't give me a option when i was at the app store?

IPhone 4 has frozen messaging?

My friend and I were imessaging each other and he sent me an extremely long text of the poop emoticon… Well this has now frozen my message app on my phone AND iPad… Whenever I try to open messaging it stays white and eventually crashes to the home page. I have shut down my phone twice, still doesn't help. It's been like this for about 20 minutes help would be greatly appreciated as I don't want to go to AT&T tomorrow so they can see poop…

Help jailbreaking iphone 4 6.0.1?

I need some help getting a free untethered jailbreak on my iphone 4 ios 6.0.1. I bought it used so I don't think that I have the shsh files to downgrade to 5.1.1. I checked on tinyumbrella and it didn't find any.Am I screwed until they find a way to jailbreak it, or is there a way I can do it on 6.0.1/downgrade to 5.1.1 that I don't know about?

Added (1). Thanks Ni, but I don't care about unlocking it, it's factory unlocked. I want to downgrade to ios 5.1.1 or get an untethered jailbreak for 6.0.1.

Should I just ask him straight away? Guys

I'm feeling my ex boyfriend is still interested in me but not directly telling it to me.

He tells me he misses me. I don't know if it's as his friend or as a lover.
He doesn't date anybody (not that I know of)
He messages me almost regularly. Even wants to talk to me through skype. Even wants to me to get an iphone to have facetime with him. (but I don't know if he does it as a friend)
He's abroad and I don't know if being in a long distance relationship is what pulling him back.

I'm confused. It looks like he still likes me. He doesn't touch anything about wanting to be in a relationship. But of course I wanna know As soon as possible if he likes me or not so I can move on. But how do I ask him without looking like a total dumb.

How should I open it to him?

My iphone was washed in the washing machine today

Today I was in the shower and I left my phone on my bed. My mom decided to wash my sheets, and guess what? My phone was in there! About 15 minutes later i came out of my shower and noticed the sheets were gone. I asked my mom. "wheres my phone… " and she was like "OH… " then she got it out. I tried to turn it on nothing worked. And i heat it up a bit too and tried to charge it. I'm so worried! Will it work? I actually took my battery out and put it in rice and silica gel packets