Do i still have IPhone warranty?

Okay so when you buy an iPhone with a two year contract from sprint you get a 1 year warranty. I know because I bought one but then sold it. Now my friend bought one and we traded phones. Now the phones speaker and mic don't work too well, he still has warrant but since I have the phone. (Under my account not his anymore. ) does the warranty still stand?

How to fix an iPhone 3g screen?

Recently replaced an iPhone 3g LCD screen because the backlight wasn't working, but apart from that worked perfectly fine. After replacing the LCD, the phone goes to a half grey screen, half vertical coloured lines and then turns off after a few seconds. The backlight appears to work now but I can't continue to a normal startup. Is the LCD screen defective or what?
Any help would be great.

IPhone 4 will sync on to iTunes but won't show up on My Computer?

I have the iphone 4, and when i attach it to my laptop itunes opens and syncs, which is good. But when i go to get my photos from my iphone it doesn't show up on My Computer on my laptop. I wanted to see if it would do that on another computer, so i used my dads and it worked fine and i could get my iphone photos on to the computer. But for some reason i can't transfer my iphone photos to my computer. Any advice? What can i do to fix this? Because i would like to make room in my phone and put the photos on my computer!

What items can you take with you to boot camp?

My girlfriend is going to Marines boot camp in a month and we don't talk about all the details and she won tell me if I ask. So I was wondering what you can and can't take.
Like can you take an iPhone or any phone? Is there any way we can talk? Also regular items you need. And items you SHOULDN'T take