Why is walmart selling there iPhone 5 at a discount price?
What's the catch to getting a cheaper iPhone at walmart. The cell company that I have is selling iPhone 5 for it's regular price. Why is walmart selling it cheaper?
Please and than you.
What's the catch to getting a cheaper iPhone at walmart. The cell company that I have is selling iPhone 5 for it's regular price. Why is walmart selling it cheaper?
Please and than you.
I had restore my Iphone 3gs to 6.0.1 from 5.1.1 just today? It is New boot-room and firmware version is now 5.13.04. Using RedSn0w latest version, I had it jailbreak [You know the stuff, for redsn0w you select ipsw 6.0 for stopping the keylist error]. Using Cydia, I had ultrasn0w installed as well. [My phone needs JB and unlock for working: P ) It is working now, only problem is "It turns off itself if I put SIM in. It is working fine without SIM, but if I insert the SIM, it just turn off. Then I restart it again using Boot option from redsn0w, but after couple of minutes - it is dead again. Battery is full and I have installed anything else yet.
Please advice.
I found this online but would it work of most of my songs weren't from the itunes store?
i have an iphone 4s and no access to the desktop at home where i usually sync it
I just got an iPhone 5 unlocked and I have an unlimited talk and text plan with 2 gigs of data for $60 a month on Tmobile. I think the plan is great but i don't know if 2 gb is too little. I have Wi-Fi at my house. But I do use the phone all the time. Since dec 27 I've used 135 mb. Is that a lot? This is my first smart phone lol
So i bought a second hand iphone 3Gs and i updated it from 4.1 to 6.1 but now it won't activate i have no clue why and I would like to know what to do. So what do I do?
I need some apps to work on my iphone 3g… Apps like facebook, twitter, instagram, skype and whatsapp… Where can i get them to download… Help Please
Why do people buy ipods if they already have an iphone?
So I can text everyone except one user I have an iPhone with verizon and she has a iPhone with Verizon and she tells me she texts me but I don't get them and she doesn't receive mines either we get them sometimes not all the times it's bothering me not talking to her i don't know if its my phone or her phone or it's Verizon's network is anyone have problems with this?
I contacted Ifix who says $329 to replace. I have seen youtube videos and heard rumors of the apple store replacing for $229. Would anyone else have some cost effective options or know exactly how to go about getting this fixed in the US?
It may seem cheeky, but I wanted to know if I could have multiple images for an iPhone 4 wallpaper. More specifically, I was curious as to whether or not I could have a set of images cycle every time I viewed my lock screen.
Is there an app or setting I can use to do anything like this? My iPhone 4 is jailbroken, but it runs on iOS 6.