My iPhone 5 home button FELL OFF

I had a home button sticker on my home button. And this morning I woke up to find it off. With the home button stuck to it! The home button still works its just the covering of it fell off. Could the Apple store fix this? Is there an address where I can send it off to get fixed?

Download any video file from online?

I want to watch movies on my iPhone, and have found a good site where I can watch movies for free online. However, it will only work on my Mac. Is there any program or plugin where I can simply download video files to my computer from web pages? I can put it on my phone from there.

Please only answer the question instead of telling me I'm ripping off the movie, thanks.

Upgrade to an IPhone with Sprint?

I'm eligible for an upgrade on the first of the month and wondering if it would take any money out of pocket to get the IPhone 5 or will the upgrade cover the entrie cost? I currently have the HTC Evo Shift.

My iphone 4 won't open pictures?

I tried to jailbreak it, but it wouldn't load after the final apple symbol so I quit that, and now my phone won't open the pictures people send me. If I save the message to my camera roll I can view it, and I can see the little snapshot in the bubble in the chat, but it just loads for a bit and then turns into a grey screen telling me it's a.pdf or.jpg and how many KB it is. I tried restoring my backup I made before I tried to jailbreak it but that didn't fix it. Also, safari won't open either.

Grand theft auto vice city or minecraft on iPhone?

Hi, I have a little trouble with credit cards and such on the AppStore and I was wondering will someone be willing to if they bought the mentioned games if I can use their account to re download? I'm a good and smart kid and promise not to do anything else please

How to access old iCloud backups?

I lost all my pictures because I restored my iPhone, stupidly, so I went to reset all settings and I'm trying to backup from 12/29/12, which was before I erased my stuff and it was successful this morning but I checked my photos again and 100 of them were deleted somehow from the 300 I had before so I reset my settings again, but iCloud backupped from today so now it only shows today, Jan 1 and Dec 30 and no longer shows Dec 29. How do I get it back, or any backup date earlier? (btw, today is 1/6/13)

How to add an iTunes playlist to my iPhone without syncing it?

I'm trying to add a playlist of some songs I got off of some old CDs I found, but when I make the playlist in iTunes and try to add them to my phone it asks for me to remove everything on the phone and then sync everything form my SHARED family account on to it. Can I add the playlist without having to remove everything and put it back on?

How to unlock an iPod/iPhone from a computer?

I found my old iPod touch when moving house and I wanted to see what it was like (out of pure curiosity) but it won't let me open, the bar moves about half way along then jumps back to the start. The screen is smashed and it got water logged, this is not a new problem and it happened before I ditched it. Basically, I want to know whether there's any programme I can download or just any way I can unlock my iPod while it's plugged into my laptop.