Why do I look different in pictures taken in the mirror?

Compared to pictures taken of me or on my iPhone(front facing camera)? I find when I'm in front of a mirror taking a pic I look different. Is it because of the refection? And which one looks more like me? I'm guessing the one taken in front on the mirror?

Why won't Twitter let me login?

Since Thursday the Twitter app for iPhone/iPod seemed to have kicked me off and everytime I login it says my username and password can't be authenticated.
NOPE I did not get hacked. No suspicious activity on my account or was my password changed. Also, I can login just fine on my computer.
YES I have checked the date and time zone for my iPod. They are correct and set to the right date and time.
This isn't the first time this has happened and I can't find any good answers online. Can anyone help? I'm trying Ubersocial but apparently I've exceeded a login try limit so I can't use another 3rd party app right now.
Best answer to whomever is helpful!

Getting kicked of Wi-Fi with iPhone 4S?

Every time I get on youtube I eventually get kicked off if Wi-Fi and put on 4g. This never happened before iOS6. Anyone else having this problem?

Added (1). Seriously wish I could get some decent or at least funny answers unlike the first two geniuses.

How to end a game in song pop?

I have some games with people who haven't played in months, how do I end a game with them so I can play with those who actively play?

I'm using an iphone 5.

If I change the iTunes account info on my iPhone, will I lose everything on it?

Right so. I can't authorize the account on my new laptop as it is already authorized to 5 computers and I can't authorize any more than 5 (they're old hard drives I no longer have access to so I can't de-authorize any of them). I can make a new iTunes account on my new laptop, but the old iTunes account will still be on my iPhone.

What happens if I plug the iPhone (with the old account) into the laptop (with the new account - keep in mind the iTunes library on the new laptop is the same library that's on my phone as I had it saved to a memory stick. It's just the iTunes accounts that will be different). Will I lose everything on my phone?

My twitter notifications won't pop up on my iphone?

So I updated my twitter app and now whenever I get and @reply it doesn't pop up on my phone. I already tried going into settings > notifications > twitter > and then choosing the kind I want but it's not working. If anyone can help me I'll even promo you on tumblr to my 4.5k followers or on twitter or something. Please and thank you!

Added (1). I already said I have everything in settings right

My iphone 4s is having strange memory usage?

It seems as if i have less and less memory every time i use my phone and i delete more stuff and it doesn't seem to affect the memory… Its a 16 gb iphone 4s so with the stuff its suppose to have on it 13.5 gb… Before i had more videos, pictures, apps, and music… And i wanted to add a new album i just bought on my phone so i deleted all of the videos on my phone and when i went to sync the album onto my phone it said it didn't have enough space and i checked it said 0 bytes available so i deleted like 200 pictures… And it says once again 0 bytes available… So then i proceeded to erase all mu text messages and some apps… And still 0 bytes available and i find it quite strange, any ideas on what could be wrong?

Added (1). I just restored my phone and now it says over capacity D;

I have a sprint iphone 5 anyway to jailbreak and use tmobile or straight talk?

Ok so i asked this before but maybe confused people because didn't really get a response to this question. Anyways i have a sprint iphone 5 and not ina good standing acct with sprint due to someone abusing the data and yes that can happen lol
But anyways i literally just got this iphone 5 from them about a month ago and at this point would just like to unlock it. It's my understanding from searching that am iphone 5 is locked to sprint even with an unlock ticket with them it's only unlocked for international use of a gsm sim unlock the verizon version. So my question is has anyone jailbroken the sprint iphone 5 and used it for tmobile or straight talk? Or does anyone know if it's possible? And if so is LTE usable? I figured they may be a tweak or app in cydia since there's a sim card slot. So if anyone could please give some advise it would be greatly appreciated.