Tmobile mobile hotspot iPhone?

I got the 30$ a month plan unlimited text and web on tmobile monthly 4g I'm using it on the iPhone I saw the mobile hotspot option and I used it and it worked fine will I get in trouble if I use it or will they charge me extra? Can they because monthly 4g is no contract

How to make 5 months go fast! - 1

I'm going to see my cousins and get an iphone 5.Im flying from NY to london to visit my cousins, and i'm so excited. But i go back to school, so how do i get school time to go faster aswell?

My iPhone won't turn back on

Okay. So I got this iPhone, & like just simple stuff was happening. So I looked up on it. & it said that you have to take the back & battery off? So i did that & now it's all back together. But the only way it stays on is when it's connected to the charger. It's says 100%. & only stays on for like 2 minutes, then fully turns off.

What Are Some Really Addicting iPhione Apps?

I wanna be able to always go on my iPhone and know that there's an app that is very Addicting that MUST play. I have the iPhone 4 AND also any Addicting apps that are compatible with iPod Touch 4th Generation and iPhone 4? Please TELL ME!

Why am I being charge for using data while I'm on Wi-Fi?

I just got a new iPhone 5 and I have been watching a lot of YouTube videos while on Wi-Fi with my cellular data is off and I'm being charged for watching all of the videos. I have I only used data to look up 1 thing and I have used up 2 out of 3 GB in 2 days please tell me why.

I'm on AT&T

Added (1). I have called AT&T and they did absolutely nothing.

IPhone 4S or 5: which is better?

I due for an upgrade finally after having my blackberry torch for 2 years. ( had it since senior year in high school am now a sophomore in college). I can't decide if I should go for iPhone 4S or 5? I heard the 5 is too long and I don't want a big phone. I'm not getting the iPhone because almost everyone has one, I'm getting it because I like it and I don't really see any new phones that aren't huge. So iPhone 4S or 5?

Why isn't there a camera setting on Instagram?

I recently got an iPhone with the 6.0.1 update and I want to use the iPhone camera instead of the original Instagram camera so I can use a full sized picture, but There isn't a camera setting.

Why didn't my iPhone 4 update to iOS 6?

A few days ago I updated my iPhone 4 to iOS 6 (that was iOS 4.2.6) on my cousins computer (on iTunes of course) but it didn't update at all. It's still at iOS 4.2.6 and I want to know why it didn't work. And how will it work next time?