Should I tell him I miss him?
So there was this guy I talked to for about 2 months but it got seriousish kind of of in the last month & we hung out a couple of times he was really cutesy & stuff & I was too we called each other pet names & talked for hours on the phone before & after seeing each other, but one day we got into an argument because I dint text him all day giving him space & it went bad from there. He stopped talking to me & I asked why & he said it just dint feel right & started talking to other females in fact got a girlfriend two days after that. I was broken I still am but I got a iPhone & he texted me the day after to ask if I had deleted him off bbm & I said I got a new phone. Then we dint talk for like a week & I put up a picture on Facebook & he liked it. That night I text him that I missed him but never got a reply. Today I called him for no reason & we talked & at 1st he dint know who he was talking to & then he instantly recognized me but then asked why I called & if I was thinking about him & I just dint respond but then he said why did you call at this time I'm busy then we said bye & hung up. But I want to know if I should send him this "You wanna know the real reason I called you? Because I miss your stupid cute face & talking to you & I miss that stupid pouty face of yours & your voice & your hugs & the reason I dint answer really when you asked if I called because I was thinking about you was because I kinda haven't had a day where you don't cross my mind not even to be corny. & to answer your question no I'm not mad at you but it'd be better if i was &I wanted to say that but I couldn't but then at the same time I couldn't not say it for much longer so am texting it & I know I should of forgot about all this by now but I *** can't & I don't know why but yeah that's why I called you" or if I should just keep trying to move on?
Added (1). I forgot to say he broke up with her a day after I got my new phone