Should I tell him I miss him?

So there was this guy I talked to for about 2 months but it got seriousish kind of of in the last month & we hung out a couple of times he was really cutesy & stuff & I was too we called each other pet names & talked for hours on the phone before & after seeing each other, but one day we got into an argument because I dint text him all day giving him space & it went bad from there. He stopped talking to me & I asked why & he said it just dint feel right & started talking to other females in fact got a girlfriend two days after that. I was broken I still am but I got a iPhone & he texted me the day after to ask if I had deleted him off bbm & I said I got a new phone. Then we dint talk for like a week & I put up a picture on Facebook & he liked it. That night I text him that I missed him but never got a reply. Today I called him for no reason & we talked & at 1st he dint know who he was talking to & then he instantly recognized me but then asked why I called & if I was thinking about him & I just dint respond but then he said why did you call at this time I'm busy then we said bye & hung up. But I want to know if I should send him this "You wanna know the real reason I called you? Because I miss your stupid cute face & talking to you & I miss that stupid pouty face of yours & your voice & your hugs & the reason I dint answer really when you asked if I called because I was thinking about you was because I kinda haven't had a day where you don't cross my mind not even to be corny. & to answer your question no I'm not mad at you but it'd be better if i was &I wanted to say that but I couldn't but then at the same time I couldn't not say it for much longer so am texting it & I know I should of forgot about all this by now but I *** can't & I don't know why but yeah that's why I called you" or if I should just keep trying to move on?

Added (1). I forgot to say he broke up with her a day after I got my new phone

IPhone 4 stuck on connect to iTunes screen, What can I do?

Never jail broke it
Keep getting error 50 or 55… I don't remember… I tried different computers and used updated iTunes
First it was water damaged but then I changed the battery since water damage isn't in warranty
Now the phone is on but I'm stuck on the same screen… I already know my information is wiped out, I just want it to work again… I can care less about re-entering my contacts
I really need it to work again though, current phone using has bad connection, very staticky, and constantly shuts off (I do not recommend the Samsung Solstice 2) Please Help!

How to get my photos back on my new Iphone?

So i lost my Iphone 4 a couple weeks ago, and i finally got a new one today. I wanted to know if i could still get my photos back even if i have a different Iphone and different number and everything, I did back it up to Itunes on my computer but when i plug it in will it show up? Ok another problem i share An Apple ID with one of my friends, i can't make my own because i don't t have a credit card to put in… Anyways so we share an Apple ID and will it still show my iphone on itunes when i plug it in on my computer? Btw we use the same computer

Added (1). Seri@ For some reason when my friend got her Iphone she didn't need to put a credit card in, she just put the none option, but when i got mine (this year) i tried doing the same thing but there's no "none" option so i have to put a credit card

My iPhone won't work after skiing?

I went skiing today and zipped my phone up in my pocket, I made sure it wouldn't get wet because the phone has been dropped in the bathtub before so i know how awful it can be to get your phone wet, when i was in the car on my way home i called my mom so my phone was working fine.a few minutes later i tried to use it but the screen stayed black. I tried turning it on and the apple sign showed up for about three minutes and the screen went black again. The battery percentage was really high so i know thats not the problem.other than going to the apple store what do i do?

Life proof case for iPhone 5?

I'm curious on the downsides of a lifeproof case. I know that it can have bad audio and screen sensitivity but are there any other problems?

Should I go with AT&T, Verizon, or Sprint?

I'm almost 16 years old, and not only is one of my New Year's Resolutions to be more mature, but I'm also going to be 18 in a couple of years. My dad pays for six "unlimited-everything" phones, so I especially would like to help him out a bit.

Back to my original question, which phone carrier should I go with: AT&T, Verizon, or Sprint? Also, I plan on getting an iPhone 5. Price isn't really a problem, but please include both a higher-priced and lower-priced answer.

Should i get a IPhone 5 or a puppy?

My birthday is coming up on the 22 and my stepdad said he would get me, a white iPhone 5 or a boy husky puppy and i Really like dogs but hes gonna surprise me between those two what would you prefer before he buys em

Iphone on virgin mobile network?

From what i know is that the iphone is on sell on virgin mobile online but if i were to buy one the street would i be able to use it on virgin mobile?

Best unlocked iPhone plan advise?

I have a Iphone 4 unlocked and I wanted to know what plan should I get? I mean since it is a GSM phone it only can use ATT and Tmobile. Other prepaid companys like straight talk, att gophone, ect work with this. So my question would be what service is the best and cheapest. I'm searching for the best coverage and data plan.

Is there an iPhone app for blocking calls and texts?

I had an app on my last android phone called 'call blacklist' you could add numbers you didn't want to have text or call you. And if those numbers did, it showed it in a message log on the app. Is there anything like that for the iPhone? I really could use it.