How to fix push notifications in my Iphone 3Gs?

I recently updated my iphone into IOS 6.0.1 and i discovered that push notifications are not working except Text Messages Notifications.
I have tried many methods but i couldn't fix it.many people prefer SAM but SAM doesn't work on IOS 6 no more. I have tried PUSHFIX and PUSH DOCTOR but nothing helped.
please tell me how can i fix this problem is there any easiest or hardest way to do it?

Added (1). Sorry But I already checked those settings they are on>> whatsapp notifications are on.
but i can't receive them…

Are iphone otter box's worth it?

I want to get an otter box for my iphone but have heard that they are very bulky and get annoying. I'm thinking that as long as it protects your phone who cares. Can anyone share with me if they love or if they dislike their otterbox.

Making a 2d AI system for a game.get from point A to B, how to?

I'm developing a simple shooter game for the iphone and I have been trying to figure out how to make my bot move from point A to point B given that there are objects in a way. Anyone can point me to a source that could help me achieve this? I'm using Box2d for my physics.

I got caught shoplifting at 16

Today i was at walmart with my friend and we stole a pack of gum, an iphone case, and pregnancy test. I stole the preg.test and gum and she stole the case. Police were involved and it was over 25 dollars so they said we might get a fine from walmart for 150$ and that we will have a court date. We're going to pled guilty. I just got my lisences a week ago can they take that away till i'm 18? They released me to my parents and said i will have a court date in the next two weeks. What can the charges be?

Which one do you recommend AT&T or T- Mobile?

Which one is cheaper?
Which one has a (the best) plan for two phone lines?
Texting and Internet plan?
least dropped calls?
great reception?
AND does anyone know any good phones they have? (android, smartphones, windows… No iPhone)
I'm switching from Verizon. Sadly! I'm trying to least downgrade so much! Verizon is getting too expensive hence the first question lol just trying to get around the same thing I have with Verizon but cheaper with a great phone

What's a free music downloading app for IPhone?

Ok so I've been looking for good music to put on my IPhone. I've been using iTunes but I can't find any of the songs I'm looking for, it just says "sorry could not find song" so I was looking for an app maybe that I could type in a song and find it. Or a website.

Unlock Jailbroken iPhone 4S?

So I have jailbroken my iPhone 4S using Absinthe, but it's not unlocked yet. I need to unlock it so I can use it with my local carrier. Can someone please help me?