My iPhone battery lasts for 1.5 hours maximum, what should I do

It is on whited00r custom 3.1.3 FW, the battery heats too much and won't last for more than 1.5 hours and it drains in stand by mode (and there's no app opened or push or notifications or BT or ShSh ) what should I do about that. Any help is really appreciated.
ThnQ all ^_^

Power/lock button on iphone not working what do i need to replace?

The iphone lock/power button on my iphone 4 hass died… Again. By this i mean when i press it, it doesn't do anything and it is also very hard to press ie it has no spring action anymore. I have temporaily fixed this using the very crude paper shoved in method however this hasn't fixed the springyness its just made it possible to lock and unlock the phone if i use alot of force.

My question is it the button itself that needs replacing or something else?


flex cable:

bracket holder;

or something else entirely?

I feel confident I can fix this myself as I work a lot with electronics being a product designer.

Looking forward to your responses and sorry for typos… Was in a rush.

Does Verizon work in the uk?

I'm going on holiday to the uk and live in the USA and I'm on Verizon. I have the iPhone 4 will it work in uk? If that won't work will at and t work in the uk?

How to transfer songs from pc to iphone?

IIm facing prblm in synch my pc songs to my iphone. IIm using win xp. I have itune installed in my pc. IIm able to transfer images from pc to phone but when i try to send songs to my phone i can't.

How to catch the 12 ghost on Sims FreePlay when?

The game itself still doesn't notify me about this?

Please help me! I wanna have the Haunted House.

P.S you're probably thinking why I know this. It's because I have another sims on my mom's iPhone.

How to import images from iphone onto windows?

I do the normal steps (connect Pc and iphone) (click import pictures)
but for some reason it dsays 'no new images or videos were found on this device'
but when i check my gallery i have like 230 images?

Who has the iPhone 5 please open?

Ok I really like iPhone but currently have the Samsung galaxy s3 and my contract in AT&T ends in 5 months and I was wondering should I buy it when my contract ends for the next 2 years or will there be a iPhone 5s or 6?