Does Sprint iPhone 5 work overseas?

I really want to get a iPhone 5 but it is really expensive up in the uk If I purchase one of eBay which is a sprint iPhone will it work in the uk Because its a world wide phone please help me because I don't want to buy one and end up wasting my hard earned money

Many thanks I would really appreciate if you can help me.

How to record iphone screen? - 1

Please tell me a way i can record my iphone's screen without a jailbreak i only just got my iphone 5 and would like to record some tutorials and gameplay please help

Minecraft pocket edition keeps crashing

I have minecraft pocket edition on my iPhone and whenever I try to launch the app it goes to the "Mojang" screen for about second then crashes and sends me back to my home screen. I have tried turning it off and on and still doesn't work. I don't want to delete it because I have a lot of good worlds on there. Anyone know how I could fix this?

IPhone not showing up under devices?

I plugged my iPhone 3GS into my computer today and it didn't show up under devices. I was adding music from CDs to iTunes but I couldn't sync them to my phone because it didn't show up under devices. It charged so I know the USB cable is fine. How do I make it show up?

Upgrade with the Share Everything plan?

I currently have an LG EnV Touch with internet access on it. I got it two years ago when the share everything plan hadn't started yet. Now that my contract is up and it is time for me to get a new phone, will my upgrade give me a "dumb phone" with internet or will I have to get a smart phone to continue to have internet access now that my family has the share everything plan? Also I was told that if i got the iPhone, it would be $50 a month? Is that true? Why or why not?

Viewing Iphone Messages on another phone?

Can the plan holder on a Verizon phone plan see the messages off of an Iphone under the same plan? They know everything I'm saying to other people, and pulling up pictures I have sent from their phone. How are they doing this? How do I stop it?