Why am I crushing on a guy I don't even know?
I'm 17… I've never had a real relationship or anything because honestly I don't want one. I've had guys ask me out but I wasn't interested because I'm just to picky and want someone that is truly right for me, besides, I'm so focused with school that I don't have time for boys anyways. But anyways, there's this guy who works at my local coffee shop, and the first time I saw him was in the drive-thru window and ohmygod, my heart has never skipped a beat like that before. I was totally amazed by him haha no joke… And I probably smiled too much at him too: P but he smiled and looked me in the eyes and I was just so struck by him. He isn't even like gorgeous or anything… Super cute, but he just seems i don't know, perfect lol. The next time I saw him, same situation, and I after I got my coffee, I just kept smiling for, I swear, 10-20 minutes after seeing him. Now, like 3 days later, I still can't rid him from my mind! I'm not normally like this. At all. Will this pass? Should I try talking to him? What would I say! Advice?
Ps. Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I'm on my iPhone and it autocorrects things.So.