How do I control powerpoint or google slides from my iphone without installing any extensions or software on the computer?
I'm open to downloading any apps on my iphone and it is not jailbroken
I'm open to downloading any apps on my iphone and it is not jailbroken
Please don't answer if you're going to troll
I know it sounds ridiculous but I currently have 32,250 pictures in my iPhone camera roll and they're basically all screenshots.
I think something is seriously wrong with me
For ex: I'll be watching a YouTube video or just watch something on Netflix and I'll end up taking around 30-50 screenshots throughout and I sometimes take 10 screenshots in a row just because it "feels satisfying" or feels right
And I'll just keep repeating that
And even if I'm just on instagram. I'll literally take pictures of every single picture and comment even though I know I'll never look back at them
What's wrong with me! What should I do to stop
I had been away for a couple days for a for a business trip and I had specifically told her not to bring her Iphone X to school ( i usually tell her to bring her old iphone 6+ to school in case of emergencies ) . Then she brings her new phone to school without me or her dads permission, And cracks it badly. How shall i punish her?
Added (1). She's 12 in the 7th grade, I promised it to her for having good grades.
Why is my iPhone stuck in a boot loop after replacing charging port?
Hey I'm 24 year old male who has decided that I wanted to start writing ✍️ in some type of journal and write stuff out from my day to day and also would like to write stories for fun that I can make up and tell my niece and nephews and also write down jokes that I can tell my friends and family so for me being a young adult male what would be more appropriate to use my iPhone 7 or a? Notebook with line paper or a notebook with no lines? Please if your going to comment on this help a brother out and be nice and polite.
Notebook with line paper?
Notebook without line paper?
iPhone 7 an app from iTunes?
I play Temple Run on my iPhone. If I get a new iPhone and use my same iCloud e-mail, will my data on Temple Run transfer from my old iPhone to my new one?
"Under socialism you have poor, skinny people, with nothing.
Under capitalism you have poor, fat people with iPhones, and nobody starving to death."
How do I debunk this argument?
Would I have to pay a fee if I want to watch Big Brother live feeds on my iPhone?
I have an iphone7 and i have obviously heard all the rage about the new snapchat update and how bad it is. However, that doesn't stop me from wanting to update it. I went on to the appstore as I have automatic updates off and updated snapchat. I believe it's version 10.25 however literally nothing is different. How do i get this new layout? And does anyone else have this?
I bought an iPhone off someone and it said "sim required" so I put my sim in it and now it says activation lock? What do I do?