What is the latest iOS software for the iPhone 5?
What is the latest iOS software for the iPhone 5?
What is the latest iOS software for the iPhone 5?
She talks back time constantly and makes fun of her 7 year old brother because he had 2 baby teeth pulled. She also has phase 1 braces and I have to nag her to brush and floss her teeth. She also won't clean her room unless I force her and help her or do it myself. She also threw a tantrum because I wouldn't buy her clothes from aeropostale. She is already starting puberty and is so moody and irritable constantly. I took her bedroom door, tv, tablet, and iPhone away because she kicked and punched her brother last night. She will get those things back on Wednesday and she can get ready in the bathroom in the mornings. I told her that the door, tablet, tv, and iPhone are privilideges, not rights. She screamed "you can't take my door away, it is not fair." I told her that the bathroom is for privacy. She is so disrespectful like she will say "shut up talking to me hoe." What is wrong with her? She also craves junk food a lot.
My Snapchat hasn't updated yet & I'm using iPhone 6S. My husband got the updated already like a week ago on his iPhone 7. Why is that?
Can the apple iPhone be given to another user?
I want to reset my iphone 6s. Will I lose my phone number on it too?
My friend asked for my phone I didn't unlock it and and the photo lock works on him we tried it multiple times and it works can I sue for that?
My dad took my phone and he knows my passcode. How can i change it?
Added (1). just removing the passcode would be fine too
Should I get my girlfriend a new iphone or a brand handbag? What do girls prefer?
I have an iPhone 6s, and so does my friend. She's had hers for almost 2 years, but I only got mine a few months ago for my birthday. I take care of mine and everything, but she doesn't respect mine!
Some examples of what she did\does:
1) I laugh at a meme or a video, and show my friends. The others look at it and laugh and everything, but she GRABS IT from my hand to hold it and see.
2) She loves the famous ice skater Patrick Chan because he's 'half Chinese and Canadian like her' but I wasn't convinced. And I can tell because I'M full Chinese. So I look it up, and sure enough he's full Chinese, but is from Canada (like me). She says "let me see", so I hold my phone tightly in my hand but I face the screen towards her, not wanting her to take it, and she rips it out of my hand! And the way she does it, I'm scared it'll slip out of her hands and fall and shatter!
3) I was showing my friends a text I got from a guy, who was asking for some sexy pictures of me, and we were all like "omg f boy alert' and 'ewww how dare he' and then she had scissors in her hand because she was cutting some paper, so she points at the screen WITH her scissors, and they hit the screen!
I've told her I don't want her grabbing my phone, and she says she won't do it again, but she does! I ask her why she doesn't use her own phone, and her excuse is "I can't connect to the Wi-Fi of the school" and "I don't need to use it"
How can I stop her from using or touching my phone?
On my iPhone, I go to settings, then Wi-Fi. When I look at the selections, I see all my options including my own in-home Wi-Fi service. One the options is: "NSA Civilian Monitoring Monitoring System" which is locked. What the heck is this?