So I have an old iPhone 5c which I've had for a while and have taken pretty great care of, I don't feel the need to upgrade or get a new one but out of no where my phone decides to stop working… I won't get texts/can't send texts, all my texts delete, photos delete (thankfully the photos always come back) and this time when it happened all of my notes were deleted as well which is the thing I'm the most upset about as I wrote a lot of my thoughts and ideas in my notes folder. I did back up my phone on iTunes a while ago (around October) I know I wouldn t get my more recent stuff back but I would get years worth of thoughts back from that. I just don't know what restoring from iTunes backup will do to my phone. Will I lose all of my current data on my phone? All of my newer photos I took since the backup? Will it erase my in app messages as well such as Instagram DM messages? Is there a way to just restore the notes part of my phone without having to restore everything from that back up? Or is there a way to just view and acess my notes from that backup without having to restore them to my phone? Sorry if this is all over the place I'm not great with technological stuff and I'm just confused and a little nervous to restore it. Any info or help would be appreciated.