I dropped my iPhone in the bath?

I dropped my iPhone in the bath but I took it out straight away everything looks like it works fine but it is stuck in headphone mode so my music won't play through the speakers and when I ring people it won't come through it has to be through headphones or on loud speaker I put it on the radiator but it still has t worked

Iphone apple care protection plan?

Hi, i've had alot of screen freezing problems and had made a lot of complaint to apple but they would just send me to a store to come back home with the same phone without any improvements and i just bought an applecare protection plan now the problem is that the phone dropped down on the floor and have a little scratchy dent on the back side of it. So my question is that will they replace this phone with that scratchy dent on the back or do i have to do change the backside cover before sending it to them.

Which of these places sell iphone 4 cases?

Near me i have a walgreens, walmart (grocery) and kroger. Which would probably sell iphone 4 cases? I don't really care what kind just as long as it isn't too expensive. I just really need one right now and ill probly buy a better one later

How to delete Facebook posts from iPhone?

I have the most updated version of Facebook on my iPhone, but when I want to delete status' or people's posts on my wall, it doesn't show a delete button when I swipe to the left or right. How do I delete posts on my iPhone now?

Why is my iphone 5's LTE speed slower?

I got it about 2 weeks ago. The speed was really fast and it could download an app in 5 seconds. Now it takes a while to download something. What's the reason for this?