What's the cheapest att data plan?

Say if i got five iphone 4, for my family. What will be the cheapest data plan and texting and voice plans i can get? I tried to look on the website but it didn't help me. I heard the cheapest i could pay is 20 dollars a month for internet. But i also heard we could all share like 1 gb. Its just hard to upgrade when att limits the non smart phones a consumer can buy.

What are the concequences of stealing an iphone?

My friend aged 16 has recently been doing community service for hitting someone and then got arrested for stealing a iphone4s on the street. He was put on bail today and has court next week. And idea what he'll get if he is found guilty?

Iphone help? Music delete

I bought a song on my iPhone 4S and the song appears in my library and says its downloaded but its not showing up on iTunes on my computer and the song won't let me play it or delete it from the library

How to unlock a verizon iphone 4s for GSM use in the united states?

I have an iphone 4s from verizon and i was wondering if it was possible to unlock the iphone for GSM use in the unitedstate. I have heard people say that you can only use the GSM for overseas. But i didn't know if there was a way to get it to work in the US. Please let me know what you think. Thanks.

Added (1). Is there any other cheaper way to do it? Like with an r sim?

Can I switch to an iPhone by putting in a sim card?

So I have a samsung galaxy s2 right now and it sucks. I'm on att with a contract ending in june. I was thinking of just buying an iphone 4s and putting my sim card in it. If you buy the iphone directly from apple, its unlocked to work with all carriers. Will this work? Should i do it? By the way I really need to replace the phone. I'm also not on warranty thanks

Cheapest way to pay for an iphone?

My parents won't buy me and iphone because of the monthly bill i need unlimited texting and stuff and the data that comes to around 50$ a month… Is there any way i can get it down to 30$? I know virgin mobile is 30 a month but you have to pay full retail price.

What's that football game on the iphone called?

Its a game where you become a pro by playing in matches, you earn gold coins, you buy energy drinks and boots etc… Iv forgotten the name… And i'm talking about football as in what the rest of the world call football and what usa call "soccer"


Added (1). Its obviously not backbreaker - thats american football

its not pes 2012, or fifa. You sign for clubs, earn gold coins, its like a drag and drop thing.