I accidntly put my cracked iPhone 4s in the Washing machine?

I came home from a party and took off my jeans and through it in the laundry basket on laundry day. Forgetting that the iphone was in there i carried on with my normal routine. The next day my mom told me she found it in the washing machine. Now all the noise is responsive ( siri, and charging effect) but the screen is black.

if it helps get an answer the screen was already cracked

Can a metal detector find an Iphone 4 in the snow?

I recently lost my iPhone 4 in the snow and I'm thinking of renting a metal detector to find it. Does anyone know if it will be detectable through the snow? And has anyone tried this before?
Any answer is helpful.

How to uninstall Openappmkt from my iPhone?

Ok, so I wanted Cydia on my iPhone without jail breaking it so I downloaded 'openappmkt' but its really mucked my phone up. I can't scroll and I can barely use the touchscreen at all. Everything is in like blocks it's almost impossible to use. I tried delete the apps the usual way but there's no x in the corner and it doesn't wiggle or shake like normal. Please please please help me. I tried restoring my iPhone but that doesn't work and I've tried deleting it from iTunes but it still doesn't work?
Any help is much appreciated, thank you.

Iphone 4s will not connect to my computer or itunes on my computer?

When i plug my iphone 4s into my computer (my computer is a "HP Omni 100 PC") my computer does not recognize it and my phone does not charge or anything when it is plugged into my computer and i authorized my itunes and it still will not work how do i fix this?

Added (1). Thank you to both who answer but ya you were right tommy i just needed to plug it into the other USB port the cord works, i guess just the one USB port is broken so thank you so much!

Added (2). Thank you to both who answer but ya you were right tommy i just needed to plug it into the other USB port the cord works, i guess just the one USB port is broken so thank you so much!

Can i download the walking dead for free on pc?

I have the walking dead game on my iphone, but it lags a lot, and one of my favourite youtubers (thequxxn) played the whole series. I know there's different consoles you can get the game for but i want it on my laptop. Also if there's a way to download it on my pc, do i have to buy the rest of the episodes? I have a dell laptop, with windows 7 and premium vision. Anyone who can help would be awesome!

How to tell if my iphone 4 has a signal problem?

I just got the iphone 4 for christmas and when i'm holding it sometimes the signal drops from 4 bars to 3 bars. Is this normal? Or have i got a defective phone? Sometimes it says searching aswell! If it is defective, what can i do about it? It the white 8gb model, running ios 6.0.1! Thanks for the help.

Added (1). Sometimes it can drop two bars! Even if i'm not moving anywhere!

Added (2). This is when i'm in my house! And i live in the city! Also if i have it in a case i always get a 5 bar signal!

Nokia Lumia 800 Sim card invalid?

For xmas my dad bought me a Lumia 800 smart phone from phones4u, I was with him at the time. The phone came with a separately packaged micro sim (which only recently I noticed was labelled - Iphone 4 PAYG Retail Micro Sim Only?) which I was going to put my old phone number onto.

When I got home I put the card in and the next morning phoned orange customer services as instructed to get it activated via landline. After that my old phone's sim was deactivated and she said it could take 24 hours for the new one to be activated. It's now the 2nd of January and it hasn't. I rang again to try and sort it out, I was put through to a UK call centre because they could not understand why it wasn't activating, after a few efforts they told me to take it to the shop and get a new sim as it may be faulty. Is an Iphone 4 sim designed to fit into a lumia or is it an honest mistake and I was given the wrong type? Is the sim/phone faulty?

When will the iphone 6 come out?

My parents bought me the new iphone 5 for christmas. It's cool and all, but when will the iphone 6 come out? I want the latest and greatest and don't want old technology and the iphone 5 has been out for awhile now so when will the 6 be available?