I'm trying to update my iphone 4s on ios 4 to ios 6.1?

I'm doing it on a Dell laptop with Microsoft student 2010 and the latest version of itunes which I've tried reinstalling several times and keep getting a message saying it's unable to load provider data from sync services. Please help, this is getting very frustrating!

Added (1). Unfortunately I do not have the update software button on my phone, that was IOS 5 and I'm updating from 4 so it needs to be done through the computer x

Email help! Iphone doesn't receive my emails

Hi, when first got my iphone about 3 months ago, my emails automatically came to my phone when someone sent me an email. They always came on time. Now they have stopped coming and i have to open the email app and refresh it to receive any emails.

Is there anything I can do to get it back to automatically downloading and notifying me that I have emails.

How to display accurate time a message was sent on an iPhone?

I'm not talking about the timestamps on each message, but when your iPhone is off, and you get a message when you turn it on, you don't get the actual time it was sent, you get the time it was received. Is there a way to tell what time it was actually sent to the iPhone? (Ex. My friend sent me a text in the morning, but it didn't tell the time it was sent, it said 3:01 PM, the time I got the message.)

I need to transfer music from my husband's Itunes to my Iphone?

Basically, my husband is out of town and took my laptop with him, since he only has a desktop. We each have individual Itunes libraries on our computers because we have very different taste in music. However, I have ripped some new music off a CD onto his Itunes to listen to while he is gone. Unfortunately, his Itunes won't allow me to add these songs to my Iphone without syncing, and thus erasing all of my music. I thought it would work because our 2 computers are on homeshare, but I guess since my laptop is hundreds of miles away it won't work? It is the same Itunes account, just different libraries. Anyhow, I just want to add this new music without having to download a lot of software and without losing the files I already have on my phone. Is this possible?

My phone is an Iphone 4.
His Itunes is completely up to date.

How to text between a PC and IPhone?

My employer has asked me to figure out a way that he can send/receive a text messages to/from any of the computers in the office on his IPhone when he is out of the office. Most all the programs/apps I have been finding are geared towards sending texts from a pc( and all of those I foundrequire a mobile # to link to), but not for receiving texts on a pc.

IPhone Battery Life - Frozen?

My iPhones frozen up
Its on the lowest brightness setting but is stuck on my messages screen so it can't dim
I'm wondering how long it will take to die? It's being six hours already and its still stuck on that same screen?

I Know I can soft/hard reset it but my iPhone's home button doesn't work.
I've tried plugging it in to my computer but nothing happens.

I Just want to know how long you think it will take to die from the 6 hours that have already passed?

How to solve problems with syncing the iPhone?

I have an iPhone 4 (not 4s) and it is updated to the most recent IOS (IOS 6.1). However, IOS 6.1 deleted all of my apps, music, videos, movies, notes, contacts, etc. I want to get them back, and I learned that the solution is to just sync the iPhone from iTunes.
I tried this but had the error "session could not be started" pop up every time I attempted to sync the devices.
I have tried to delete all of the Preference/Devices backups on iTunes, then exit and re-open the program. That didn't work. I have tried to turn on Wi-Fi syncing, which also didn't work. I have a PC, but I do not have Windows 7 (I have Windows 8) so I can't run it in compatibility mode.
I have tried UFO mode and recovery mode also on the iPhone.
Any experts out there that have any ideas?

Added (1). I have also restored the iPhone after updating.

What is the cheapest unlimited data plan?

I've been with AT&T for a long time and I'm tired of how expensive their service is. My plan is up soon, so I have decided to leave to another phone service. What I'm looking for is this:
-Free/cheap smartphone with activation
-Unlimited text and data (nothing really slow either, if I'm gonna use the internet I don't want to wait 5 minutes to use an app or load a page)
-about 300 minutes of talking (for emergencies and a talkative mom)
- Under $80/month

The ideal phone that I want is the Samsung Galaxy, but any of the newer androids are good too. I'm okay with an iPhone, but I doubt anyone is giving one of those away for cheap.

How much data will this use? - 1

How much data will this use?
I'm doing some research for 69 year old relative, if she goes on 500 webpages including 100 Facebook pages with photos, skypes for 2 hours, sends and receives 200 emails including half with pictures and downloads >20 apps a month how much data will she use on her iPhone (3G connection)?
She has no Wi-Fi at home nor do I think she has the technology capability to properly connect to free public Wi-Fi. I just want to make sure 1GB will be enough for her.