Is The Iphone Five Camera Any Good?

It looks like I'm getting the Iphone five. I feel relatively confident in my decision, however after I did some Googling and found that it has no zoom option, I said "um… Kay what would I want this for?" I mean, for the price I paid for this thing, I better be happy when it arrives. That news about it having no zoom on the camera gives it a rocky start… What would even be the point in having a camera that doesn't zoom? I plan to take pictures. I'm a yound woman, you know, I go to concerts, parties, church events, things where zoom is appreciated. Can someone point out the benefits of what I just spent a lot of money on, and point out why I'm going to be happy with this decision? 'Cause right now I'm like… Twenty dollar cameras have zoom. Why doesn't the Iphone five have it? It's not even that I bought it just for the camera, but… Does it at least zoom for video? How well does the battery last? Make me glad I bought this somebody! I also like to Skype with my boyfriend. Hopefully I at least get good picture etc. With the video. I shouldn't have to say "Hopefully at least" anything, really.

Can you download itunes onto a chrome book?

I have a google chrome book and i want to add songs onto my ipod/iphone but I can't becuse itunes won't let me download it to my chrome book. Is there another way around this?

The error message says this file is not supported with this device go to the play store for a supported app.

How to write a FanFic on on mobile?

I really want to write a story in but I don't really know how. But that's not my worst problem. I have to do it on mobile. I don't really get to use the computer and I can only use my iPhone. How do I start a story in on iPhone? Please reply soon! And If you want you can check out my story! I'm making a Hunger games fic.

Can i buy iphone from USA, and use it in India?

Actually, In USA, I'm getting several network bound iphone5 at Rs 15000, is it possible to use it in India, with an Indian connection, here in India?

Added (1). I'm not talking about genuinely breaking contract and bringing in India, Here i mean just bring that contracted phone in India, and get it free to use with any carrier like airtel, vodafone in India.

Upgrading iPhone 4 to iPhone 5? - 1

If I have upgraded my phone and I now have two phones with the same number does the contract I pay for work on both phones but only cost what it would be for one?

What determines the clearness of a photo when increasing the size?

I've been taking photos with my iPhone 4S and yes the pictures are great but I recently found out when I find a picture I decide I would like to blow up and print ( larger than a 8 by 10) it comes out blurry. Does the higher the megapixel Make it able to be enlarged? I'm now looking into a dslr canon.

Is there a way I can get everything back on my Iphone?

I have a iPod and a iPhone. I have had my iPod for a while and I just got my iPhone. I wanted to take all my music on my iPod and insert it to my iPhone. I was on my computer on iTunes trying to find how. I thought I found the right thing so I clicked restore iPod when my iPhone was plugged in my computer. Then I lost everything and I'm very upset. Also, my iPhone was acting like I just got it. It basically acts like an iPod. Is there a way I can get everything back?

IPhone won't turn on and a blue LED light before?

When I picked up my iPhone to use it this strange LED light came on whenever you have flashlight on or camera flash on. All of a sudden it turned off and then I plugged it in and it acted like it needed to be charged and then it turned on. While the LED light is still on. I closed out flashlight and went to the camera app. When I opened up the camera app even though the flash was set to off the LED light went off. Then it showed the warning sign that my iPhone was overheating. It later shut off and my dad told me to hold the power button down for 10 seconds and then something was suppose to pop up I guess? I don't exactly remember what he said. But now the apple screen shows up for a few seconds and then it shuts down for another few seconds. I don't know what to do because it won't even turn on so I can restore it. Help!

Added (1). And I can't take it to the apple store right now because it's 2 hours away.

My ipone 4s won't send pictures?

I have had my iPhone for a little over a year. And for about month now it won't send any pictures messages to people who don't have iPhones. It will send pics to people who have iPhones with no problem. Can someone help me please!