Iphone 5 power button recessed?

I just got a brand new replacement for my old phone from apple, and the back of the power button doesn't have a click to it and is harder to press. Is there any way to help this? Or has any one else had this problem?

How to make ipod touch/iphones not turn off after 10%?

I noticed on the iphone and on the ipod touch that when the battery gets on 10% it turns off and it shows the red battery to show that you need to charge it. Does anyone know if this can be avoided? It can get aggrivating at times!

Installous 5 keeps terminating?

I have a iPod touch 4g running iOS 5.1.1 and an iPhone 4s running same. When I open my installous 5 on both devices it says outdated version installous will now terminate and it closes. I went on cydia to update it but first when it refreshes there are a few not fixed problems and when I try to upgrade my installous it says "NetDB: open nodename nor servname provided. Not known " twice.
What to do please help soon

Wi-Fi connection problem on iPhone?

On my laptop and computers and sisters phone hav Wi-Fi in my house working but my iPhone 4S doesn't. It won't let me connect. Any suggestions? Reset network?

Can I exchange my iPhone

I got a black iPhone 5 about a month ago and after having it for a while I hate the black colour so much! I really want a white one but i don't know how to exchange it and I tried to exchange it with telus but they said that they wouldn't! Is there any way that I can get a white iPhone 5 instead of the black one I have without having to pay the 600 dollars fr a new one? I really hate the black!

How to restore deleted Hotmail contacts?

Hi. I got a new iPhone 4s, and somehow during one of the syncs, or when I was playing around with the settings, I managed to delete all of my Hotmail contacts! When I sign in to Hotmail from a PC (ie. Not using my iPhone), I do not have any contacts. Is there any way to restore them? Huge thanks!

About iPhone without internet?

Ok I want an iPhone for the music and texting. I do not want the internet because I do not want to pay for it. So today, this girl said she has one without the internet and pays $25 a month for it. How can I do this? What company should I go through? And what is the cheapest way to buy an iPhone? Craigslist or in the service store?

Can you look at imessages between an ipod and a iphone?

F you have deleted the messages us there any other way someone could look up the messages. The imessages are between an iphone and an ipod. I think imessage is run through email. But i'm just wondering if there's a way to get deleted messages?

Added (1). And if you can how?

Can any one find an alternative of installous?

Installous has been completely shut down and i think appa piracy has been very limited without it. So if you find any alternative ways to download and update apps on your iphone please share.