How to manage photo folders in iPhones 4s (camera roll vs photo stream)?

I have iphone 4s, as usual that all pic are stored in "Camera Roll" folder, but I noticed there's a new folder called "Photo Stream" has been created and store the same pic too, thats make my storage space to be full very quick, and whenever I take a pic a camera copy will be stored in camera roll and another one will be in photo stream,
why iphone to make a such duplication which will minimize the storage capacity,
if I delete all pic in "photo stream" this will save lot of space, and I still have one copy at the first folder "cameral roll: is that right? And how to delete this folder and not come bac to appear again?

Who do i take my iPhone to to get fixed?

I have a jail broken iPhone 4s with problems that I need resolved. I have Tmobile as my carrier, but the phone itself is by AT&T. I didn't buy it from the actual AT&T or Tmobile stores but one of the cellphone stores. Who do I take it to if I have problems with my phone?

Unlocked iphone with Straight talk?

What do you think about straight talk and unlocked iphone(from att)? Is it good choice? I'm having a hard time to choose the plan and carrier for my iphone. Any advice will help me a lot!

Is 8gb enough for a iPhone for me?

My phone recently broke an now I'm upgrading to a iPhone I think. I was wondering if 8 gb is enough for me. I will probably download 100-200 songs and I'm a major app lover not movies and maybe 1-10 videos and like 50 pics so is 8 enough for me?

Version iPhone without data package?

So I love my iPod! Pretty much everywhere I go there's Wi-Fi so I use Wi-Fi a lot! I thunk it would be nice to have an iPhone instead of a phone and an iPod. I don't particularly want a data package since a) Verizon's are super spendy! B) Wi-Fi is everywhere in my town
And c) it's ridiculous!
So can I buy a phone from a cellphone store that doesn't sell plans and just have them put my sm card in an iPhone and not have a data plan?

Unable to load certain websites after installing Wi-Fi router?

I'm connected on a LAN network, My ISP has a PPTP connection to access the internet.everything working fine after i installed TP-LINK Wi-Fi router. I configured the Wi-Fi router and can access only google related services like gmail,, youtube. No other websites work. Even though i can ping outside while connected through the Wi-Fi router. But pages do not works a little it loads uptill i can see the green on the address bar and continues to load but nothing shows up.browser tries to load facebook but continues to load. Even on my iPhone the problem is there same. After removing the Wi-Fi router everyting comes back to normal again. But i want to connect the laptop and iPhone too.

IPhone 4 randomly turned off, won't turn on?

I had just finished charging my iPhone, not fully, but to 95%, and then removed it from the charger. I was using it normally (twitter, facebook, etc) and I set it aside for a second to check something on my laptop. When I picked it up, it had auto-locked so I pressed the circle home button to unlock it. Occasionally my home screen button is a bit insensitive, so I didn't think much of it and I tried to press the lock/power button, which I NEVER have issues with. After pressing both buttons and holding them, my iPhone's screen is STILL black and it doesn't appear to be responding to any button pressing. I've plugged it back into it's charger but that doesn't seem to be doing anything either.
I have NEVER dropped my phone, and it's never suffered any kind of water damage or damage of any other kind.It's also fairly new, so the battery still is functioning fine as well. Any idea as to what could be causing this or how the heck I can fix it?

Can you bring drawstring/cinch bags to concerts?

Tomorrow i'm going to Lisle, Illinois to see All American Rejects and Neon trees and its at some university i think, but i want to know if i could bring a bag not a backpack just a drawstring bag to carry my money and iphone, not planning on bringing any sort of food beveridge or that… I know there gonna check it but can i bring a bag?