Download music to iPhone to play offline?

Is there any way on earth that I can download music to my iPhone and then play it without connecting to the internet?

At the moment I'm using those music apps which let you play and search for music. You can also create playlists but it doesn't work without an internet connection.

I have the iPhone 7, 32gb

Added (1). Guys, I'm looking for something other than iTunes. A free way to download music to my phone directly.

Does the read receipt feature on Iphone glitch sometimes?

My question is: Are read receipts truly accurate or do they glitch up often with others as well? ( I do realize my trust issues are horrible and I might not be in a place to be in a relationship still. Which is why I'm reconsidering if I should remain in the one I'm currently invested in to heal, to give my boyfriend some time to reevaluate if it is really me he wants to be with, as I can imagine how much it hurts to love someone who doesn't have your full trust.) Does the read receipt feature on Iphone glitch sometimes

How can you unlock an Iphone 6s without a home button?

My friend lend me his phone until mine was fixed. Since its his old phone, he doesn't remember the password and the home button doesn't work so I wouldn't be able to factory reset it. Is there anyway I can reset the phone? Would I have to take my friend to Apple to get it unlocked?

Is APPLE getting desperate?

A few years ago I worked for Apple and during my time with them they stressed that their products were so good that they did not need to advertise them to sell them.

I must admit I went home after hearing that and could not remember seeing or hearing any advert for Apple products.

Now they are everywhere. Why?

Is it because the world has finally caught on and realised they can buy a better product for a fraction of the price apple charge.

When I worked for them they gave me an IPhone 6s to try out and give my opinion and then I could keep it. I already had a Samsung. My Samsung cost about half of what the IPhone would. I never used the IPhone after the trial and stuck with the Samsung, the IPhone is in a box somewhere upstairs.

Are apple so desperate that they realise people are turning to Samsung or other companies and secretly know that their products are not worth the money so they have been forced to advertise them to try and win back confidence?

Instagram face filters won't work?

For the past month or two the face filters you can put on your story have not been working for me. I have some of them but not any new ones. I have two accounts and one of my accounts has the new face filters but the other doesn't. My phone is an iPhone SE. I have tried signing out and signing back in, deleting the app, restarting my phone and instagram is updated. I don't really know what else I can do. Does anyone have any suggestions or has this happened to anyone else?