I just need my question answered for future reference. For several months in 2017 I was a so called "independent contractor" and the company I was working for required me to purchase an iPhone. Specifically, they said iPhone and it was on the list of equipment I was required to purchase. The place that just reviewed my taxes said that I wouldn't be allowed to deduct the phone. I dislike cell phones and the only reason I purchased it is because they said I had to. I have a home phone for my personal use, but from what some others have said, it sounds like I might need 2 cell phones to deduct one? They told me they didn't have time to explain it to me right now and to come back after tax season is over if I want tax advise. I was already given the standard deduction on my W2 from my full-time job, does that prevent you from claiming deductions on sideline / independent contractor work?
I don't know if it makes a difference, but I put the phone on a 24 month payment plan, so I'm stuck and still paying for the phone for another year or I will have to pay the early termination fee. I didn't get a personal cell phone because I didn't need it and wouldn't use it.
I'm asking because I'm considering other sideline work where I would be considered self-employed and want to be sure to keep track of deductible items or at least having some deductions to show for. My dad says it looks fishy to the IRS when you report an income of $8,000 but have no deductions.