Lost access on iphone and ipad after changing password on pc?

After changing password, I have now lost all access to my yahoo email from my i-devices. I tried deleting and again adding my account, but have been getting the message: "Yahoo! Server Unavailable Please Try again later". This has been going on for several hours and is very frustrating. Please advise on how to fix this

Can you lock individual apps on iphone 4?

I have iphone 4 software 6.0.1 and I was wondering if there's a way you can lock individual apps? My phone is not jail broken and I'm scared to jail break it incase I mess something up… So is there a app that will allow me to lock apps?

Can i put packaging tape on the back of my sons iphone?

Today my son (he's 13) dropped his iPhone 4S outside and the back is now shattered terribly. Front and sides have nothing on them, I guess he just dropped it flat on its back. I ordered a new back from this place called "gadgetmenders," and its supposed to be here sometime next week, but until then, is it safe to put tape on the back of his phone?

Why can't I access my iPhone on my new laptop?

I just got a new Sony Vaio Windows 8 laptop yesterday, but when I plug in my iPhone and go to 'Computer', it doesn't show up. On my other computer when I plug it in it always shows up under 'Computer' and that's how I can access the photos I've taken on there. Why isn't it working on my laptop?

My iPad is connected to my iPhone?

My little sister has the iPad and my phone accidentally got connected to it and started going through my sh*t. If I delete it off of my phone will it delete off the iPad too?

Data plans are a ripoff! M I rite?

I use an iPhone through AT&T and my 3 gigabyte data plan costs around $50 a month just for the data. My gripe is that if I stream like an hour of video, it eats up at least a gigabyte of data! So you're telling me If I want to watch a couple hours of tv on Netflix while using my data plan will cost me $50? I feel data plans should add about 27 gigs so you can actually take advantage of your highspeed connection.m I rite or what?!