So my fiancé had a Samsung Note (older version) that had a lot of issues. For his bday last year I bought him the newest iPhone. I thought he would do away with his Samsung since it was no longer serviced but he continued to carry it around. I asked him several weeks later why and he said because he had a lot of info and apps he used. It's been almost a year and he is still carrying it. To work, running errands, the bathroom, everywhere. He had everything synced over to his iPhone so I've wondered why he still carries it. Now, he just moved over to my phone plan about a month ago. When I paid our bill last week I was curious and went through his call logs. I found he called a Tracfone customer care line (the ATT log identified it as Tracfone). I called it myself to see what it was and it was to reload a tracfone account. So now I'm really questioning why he is carrying his old phone, and if he does have it hooked up to service, why would he not tell me? As I said, we just synced our phone plan so I can only see logs for the last month. I don't know how often he makes calls to Tracfone. I want to confront him but I want more evidence so that he can't try and lie his way out of it. Am I being a crazy fiancé/girlfriend or is this suspicious to you? We've been together 2 years, we live together and i had no suspicion of cheating but now I really wonder. What are your thoughts?